Following is a selection of crystal types and a little detail on their associated properties. Please feel free to email us if you would like any information regarding the properties of a gemstone not listed, or if you would like more details about one of the types below.
AGATE: (Various Colours) Enhances truth and brings forth understanding, can be assist in working out the right direction to take. Strengthens friendship. Balances Yin/Yang energies, stabilises the aura. Imparts a sense of personal & spiritual strength & courage. Opens one to innate creative talents.
AMAZONITE: (Greenish/Blue) A stone of spirituality & contentment. Enhances creative expression, dispels fear of out-of-body experiences thus excellent for astral travel or one who is soon to pass over.
AMBER: (Yellow/Brown-fossilised tree resin) Very powerful protective qualities. Uplifting & joyous, eases depression. Changes negative to positive energies, helps purify body, mind & spirit.
AMETHYST: (Mauve/Purple) Strong protection stone. Soothing & calming to the mind & thought forms. Inspirational & excellent for meditation, enhances psychic abilities. Used to treat insomnia & migraines.
AMETRINE: (Cross between Amethyst & Citrine) Can help one to reach higher states more quickly. It disperses negativity from the Aura & fills the voids with energising & stabilising qualities of “pure white light” energy.
AQUA AURA: (Blue with a sheen) In addition to the properties of the parts of quartz and gold, this crystal form also stimulates the throat chakra & encourages “opening to channel”. It has also been used to activate the energy of other minerals for healing. It has been used extensively to cleanse and to smooth the aura, to activate all charkas, and to release negativity from ones emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual bodies.
AQUAMARINE: (Light Blue) Good luck for travellers. Gentle energy, promoting moderation. Highlights compassion & tolerance. Encourages the ability to “always be prepared”. Aids self expression, calms nerves, assists inner strength when discouraged.
AVENTURINE: (Green) Aids in clearing body of stress, anxiety, fear & problems arising from these energies. Enhances creativity, motivation & leadership, good for independence.
CALCITE: (Various Colours) Allows expansion beyond one’s present state. Considered an energy amplifier & helps memory, excellent for study purposes and aiding in the remembrance of astral travel experiences. Stone for assisting in communication alleviates fear, calming.
CARNELIAN: (Orange/Red) Aids tissue regeneration & strengthens vital organs. Protects against envy, fear & rage & helps banish sorrow, used for past life exploration, enhances atunement with the inner self and enhance positive aspects.
CHRYSOPRASE: (Apple Green) Balances yin-yang energy. Eases depression & brings acceptance & grace. Heals & opens the heart enabling one to understand the patterns of growth. Thought to assist with treating reproductive organs.
CITRINE: (Yellow) Abundance stone said to aid in acquiring & maintaining wealth. Releases cloudy thoughts &stimulates problem-solving ability. Detoxifies on all levels. Needs no cleansing. Excellent for smoothing family or group problems, producing cohesiveness.
FLUORITE: (Various Colours – green/purple) Concentration stone, helps unveil subconscious blocks & bring out creativity. Energies of purple (mind) combining with green (heart & physical). Is also used to bring order to chaos.
GARNET: (Red/Brown) Stone of commitment – to self & to others. Enhances the will power & perseverance. Eases bad dreams. Supports personal magnetism & cooperation in instances of change.
GOLD: (Golden/Yellow) Purification of the physical body clearing negativity from the charkas. Helps one to improve ones character via learning, lessoning the trauma associated with the situations experienced during the gain of knowledge. Can be used to combat feelings of depression & inferiority & provide composure, also assists one in attuning to nature & its healing forces.
HEMATITE: (Metallic Grey/Black) Very grounding stone when your mind is “not your own” Cleanses & oxygenates the blood therefore increasing energy & vitality. Calms stressed emotional/mental states. Corrects energy blockages.
JADE: (Light to dark Green) Known as “dream stone” & “stone of fidelity” Assists in remembering & deciphering dreams. Provides confidence, wisdom & self-sufficiency. Excellent for emotionally over-sensitive people. Promotes peace and stress relieving.
JASPER: (Brick Red & Various patterns) Energies are that of the earth. Known as the “supreme nurturer”- enhances care for others. Aligns charkas, balances auric field. Helps maintain awareness of one’s purpose in regards to others.
KUNZITE: (light mauve/pink) Shields one against unwanted energies by dispelling possession from outside influences/ entities. Alleviates addictive patterns, assists depression & the expression of love. Enhances acceptance & tolerance of self & others. Facilitates meditation & can be used to remove obstacles from ones path. Dispels static un-focused energy & provides for rhythmic centering.
LABRADORITE: (Grey with iridescence) Mystical stone, connects one to higher self, reveals one’s life path. Protects the auric field and enables an ability to cope with change, attracting strength & perseverance. Relieves insecurity & apprehension.
LAPIS LAZULI: (Deep Blue) useful stone for those just starting on their spiritual path. Awakens inner wisdom, assists in the quest for knowledge & understanding. A stone of Total Awareness – friendship and love. Gives self-confidence & helps to overcome depression.
MALACHITE: (Mid to deep Green) Higher evolved stone of the heart. Excellent for clarifying emotion, stimulates intuitive reasoning & assists in changing situations. Enhances patience, endurance & inner peace. Reminds you that you are a powerful being & that you have to allow your creations to manifest in alignment with your Highest Good. It can create an unobstructed path, leading to a desired goal. Can be used in treatment of arthritis, to ease process of childbirth.
MOONSTONE: (Buff/Grey/Milky Sheen) Stone for new beginnings also good luck for travellers, protects against accidents. Used to alleviate emotional tension & enhance creativity & self-expression. Aids in restfulness & sleep. Excellent in assisting female energies, especially women with hormonal &/or menstrual problems. Aids men in acquiring a balance of male/female energies.
OBSIDIAN: (Brown/Black/Light Blue/Green) Excellent sone to use in environments where a lot of negativity is released. Helps to disperse & transmute these unwanted energies. An extremely protective stone, stone of purity & balance of the body, mind & spirit. Protects soft-hearted & gentle people. Allows detachment, but with wisdom & love. Helps clear subconscious blocks.
PERIDOT: (Deep Apple Green) Stone of the seer. Stimulates love, happiness, and personal growth. Emits a warm & friendly energy, reduces anger & jealousy. Helps to regulate cycles in life.
PYRITE: (Metallic Golden/Yellow) Harmonising stone that helps us to adjust & work peacefully in our environment. Improves circulation & digestion. Great memory & concentration enhancer stimulates the brain functions. Helps stress & nervous exhaustion & influences a more positive outlook on life. Keeps away negative vibrations.
QUARTZ (Clear): Recognised as a ‘Stone of power’, master healer, balances emotions, stimulates brain functions, aids meditation, and enhances the properties of other crystals when used in conjunction. The natural tendency of quartz is for harmony. Can be used to amplify both body energy and thoughts and provide for clarity in thinking to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter. Can also be used to facilitate speaking with, and receiving information from, the spiritual and otherworldly masters, teachers, and healers. All of the psychic abilities can be stimulated and amplified by the use of this mineral. It provides for enhanced energy and promotes perseverance and patience, as well as for restful sleep. It provides for purification of the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.
QUARTZ (Rose): (Pink/lavender) Stone of “Unconditional Love” helps to alleviate negative thought forms & energies. Helps to clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, & jealousy. Assists one to appreciate all things great & small. Calming & cooling energy bringing peace & calm to relationships. Has an excellent energy for healing emotional “wounds”. Teaches forgiveness, compassion, gentleness & understanding. Enhances imagination, intellect, confidence & creativity & aids in the treatment of stress.
QUARTZ (Rutilated): (Referred to as angel hairs/golden inclusions) Intensifies the power of the quartz crystal. It affects both the etheric and the astral bodies. It assists one in getting to the root of a problem and, hence, provides access to the reason for a disease or discomfort, so that one can remedy the situation. During astral travel, rutilated quartz provides for insight into the reasons for visiting the locations and viewing the scenes; it stimulates an awareness of the connections between this physical life and the situations viewed. Dispels unwanted interference.
QUARTZ (Smoky): Aids channelling & dream awareness abilities, spiritually awakening. Protects. Used to dissolve negative energies & emotional blockages. Relaxing & alleviates depression. Balances sexual energy. Promotes attentiveness & grounding. Encourages personal pride & joy of living & activates intuition & survival instincts.
QUARTZ (Tourmilated): (Clear with Black inclusions) “Teller” stone – identifying who/what is causing trouble during times of struggle. Enhances healing powers of the user. Powerful stone of protection dispels negativity & fear & destructive influences. Clears & stimulates charkas, balanced male & females energies. Gives inspiration, balance, insight & self-confidence. Enhances sensitivity & understanding.
RHODOCHROSITE: (Pink shades) Called a stone of love & balance. Removes tendencies towards avoidance/denial. Emotional balancer helps alleviate irrational fears or paranoia. Calms heart in times of trauma. Assists in acceptance of the new & self-esteem.
SELENITE: (White satin/Clear/Grey/Brown-Rosettes) grounds white light into physical dimension, used fro cleansing. Provides for clear thought. Accelerates spirituality. Aids in reducing shyness & acquiring wealth through business. Can assist judgement & awareness also aid to develop a flexible outlook & strength in decision-making. Can be used to access past lives & future lives.
SODALITE: (Dark Blue) Encourages fellowship, self-esteem & trust, relieves subconscious fears, guilt & confusion. Rationalizes and aids clear thinking bringing clarity & truth. Enhances communication & creative expression. Slightly sedative, dispels insomnia.
SUGILIGHT: (Dark Purple) Spiritual Love stone, eliminates negative attributes, helps one realise their own potential. Enhances inspiration, optimism, insight & self-confidence, and imparts a feeling of being free. Alleviates negative or destructive emotions. Reminds user the reasons for being in the physical & enhances ones understanding of the lessons which have been chosen for this visit. Opens the charkas. Aids in treating headaches.
TIGER EYE: (Red/Brown/Gold/Yellow-Blue): Assists thought & all mental processes. Balances emotions & eases stubbornness, calms turmoil. Promotes brightness optimism. & Confidence. Grounding & centering. Enhances personal power. Is thought to help maintain wealth.
TURQUOISE: (Light Opaque Blue) Known by many civilisations as the good luck stone – protecting the owner against accidents & misfortune. Amplifies healing energy, strengthens & focuses mental communication. Brings balance & peace of mind. Excellent for spiritual attunement, acts to enhance wisdom, understanding, trust & kindness.
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